Inherits from NSObject
Declared in MMRecordResponse.h


This class describes the response from a request started by MMRecord. It contains the array of objects obtained from the response object which should be converted into MMRecords. It also contains the initial entity, which all of the objects in the response object array should be a type of. This class has only one instance method, records, which returns an array of MMRecord objects created from the response object. As such, this class is responsible for building records from the response object based on information from the inital entity and storing them in the given context.

This class represents the entry point for initiating the parsing/population response for MMRecord. As such, it can be used in a standalone fashion to provide the MMRecord population/parsing support to other classes and frameworks. An example of how this could be done is the AFMMRecordResponseSerializer, which uses MMRecordResponse on its own to provide similar behavior in the form of an AFNetworking response serializer.


Class Methods


Designated Initializer

+ (MMRecordResponse *)responseFromResponseObjectArray:(NSArray *)responseObjectArray initialEntity:(NSEntityDescription *)initialEntity context:(NSManagedObjectContext *)context options:(MMRecordOptions *)options



An array of objects intended to be used for creating MMRecord instances.


The initial Core Data entity that will be returned by the records method.


A managed object context to fetch existing records from and store new records to.


A MMRecordOptions object to customize the response handling behaviors.


Designated Initializer

This method creates an MMRecordResponse from a response object array, initial entity, and other information. If a user whiches to initiate the population process with only a single object, then that object should be inserted into an array to instantiate this class.

Calling this method and creating an MMRecordResponse configures this class completely in order to call the records method below and return an array of saturated and populated records.

Declared In


Instance Methods


This method is used to launch the entire parsing process. Execution of this method is synchronous. If you wish to provide asynchronous support (and you probably do), you should call this method from within an asynchronous block or operation.

- (NSArray *)records

Return Value

An array of records of the same type as (or sub-entity of) the initial entity provided above.


This method is used to launch the entire parsing process. Execution of this method is synchronous. If you wish to provide asynchronous support (and you probably do), you should call this method from within an asynchronous block or operation.

A great way to call this method is from within the managed object context’s performBlock or performBlockAndWait method.

Its also important to remember to call save on your context after using this method. This method will not call save for you. It will only insert or update objects in that context. Its up to you to save those changes.

Declared In
